Packing Seasonal Decorations for Storage

Ornament Packing

Before you can make use of your storage unit in Santa Cruz, CA, you will need to think about how to pack your belongings . Packing the wrong way can be risky, as boxes may break, cave in, or get knocked over if you don’t do it right. Check out this video for a quick look at packing seasonal decorations for storage.

Seasonal decorations tend to be on the fragile side, especially little ball ornaments that you might hang from a Christmas tree. Fortunately, you can keep them safe in storage with a little creativity. Line a plastic bin with plastic cups, and then fill each cup with ornaments and decorations. Then use a thin sheet of cardboard to create the base for a second layer. Repeat the process, secure the lid on top of your bin, and rest assured that your decorations will be safe in the storage unit.