• Getting Your Clothing Ready for Mini Storage


    If you are planning to put clothing in your self-storage unit in Capitola , it is important to pack it properly. Stock up on wardrobe boxes and suitcase that will keep your clothing clean and protected while it is in the storage unit.

    Gather together clothes on hangers and use twist-ties to secure them together. Cover the bunch with an oversized garbage bag and hang it in your wardrobe box. You can place shoes and other accessories in a sturdy bag that you place at the bottom of the wardrobe box.

    Put folded clothes into luggage and use dryer sheets to keep them smelling fresh. Get more great packing tips in this video.

    How to Pack Clothing for a Move


  • Preparing a Sofa for Storage

    Before you place your sofa into a self-storage facility in Capitola , it is important to properly prepare the furniture. Use the following tips to get your sofa ready for storage so it remains in the exact condition in which you left it:

    Moving Furniture in Capitola

    Find the Right Storage Facility

    It is important to take your time choosing a storage facility that will give you the space and the security that you need to properly store your items. Look for a facility with units that are easily accessible so you can get to your sofa when you need it. You should also look for versatile storage units that are big enough to hold your furniture until you are ready to pick it up.

    Clean and Dry the Sofa

    Spend some time cleaning the upholstery with a safe cleaner. Make sure all of the cushions are dry before you attempt to move the furniture to the storage unit. You should also spend some time polishing the wood or metal parts. If you put a clean sofa into the storage unit and store it properly, it will come out in the same condition.

    Remove Extra Parts

    If your sofa has removable legs or other parts that might get lost in transit, you should take them off before you move the sofa. Store them in a bag or a box that you can put with the furniture in the storage unit. If you think that the parts will get damaged in the bag, you can wrap them individually in bubble wrap or packing paper.

    Put the Sofa into Storage

    You should place some pallets down on the floor of the storage unit and cover them with a protective layer of plastic. Put the sofa onto this makeshift platform to ensure that it does not touch the walls or the floor of the unit. You can use a cotton drop cloth or another kind of sheet to cover the sofa and protect it from dust while it is in storage.

  • Choosing Your Storage Solution

    There are a few kinds of high-quality storage units in Capitola that will give you the space to store your belongings. Use the following tips to choose the right storage solutions for your needs:

    A self-storage facility provides units of all sizes to help you get the right kind of storage for your needs. Before you start the search for a unit, you should decide what you want to store. Once you know how much space you will need, you can talk to the staff at the storage facility about the units that they have available.

    You might want to opt for a self-storage unit that is a little bigger than you need. This gives you extra space to store more of your belongings in the future. You should choose a unit in a facility that has good security features and an attentive staff so you can be sure your belongings will be in their original condition when you go to pick them up.

    Storage solutions in Capitola

  • Factors to Consider When Choosing a Storage Unit

    The right self-storage unit in Capitola gives you the extra space you need to store items at an off-site location. When you are on the hunt for the perfect storage unit, you should consider the following factors to make sure you get exactly what you need:

    Self Storage in Capitola

    Facility Access

    One of the most important factors of your storage unit search is accessibility. You want to find a facility that makes it easy to get to your unit. You should also look for a company that only has units on the ground level to ensure that you can move your items in and out of your unit with ease.

    Security Features

    It is also important to find a secure facility where you can store your items. Be sure that any storage facility that you choose has a high security fence and an attentive staff who will protect your items. An automatic gate with an electronic keypad provides optimal security for a facility. Talk to the staff at the storage center to find out what kind of security features they have before you agree to store your belongings with them.

    The Condition of the Grounds

    When you visit a storage facility, make sure to take a look around the property to see if everything looks clean and orderly. If the staff takes the time to clean the property, it shows you that they care about the image that they project and will do what they can to give you the best service possible. You should also ask to view your unit before you place your belongings inside to ensure that it is clean enough for your needs.

    Fees and Requirements

    Some storage facilities have specific requirements like minimum stays and extra fees that they tack on after you agree to store your belongings with them. Take the time to talk to the staff to make sure your storage facility does not have fees and requirements like this before you sign your contract.

  • Signs You Should Use a Self Storage Unit

    Your home may provide feelings of safety, relaxation, and stress reduction, but a messy abode may have the opposite effect. If it feels like it has been a long time since you have actually seen your floor, it may be time to look into storage units in Capitola. Continue reading to take a look at a couple of signs that you could use a self storage unit. Signs You Could Use a Self Storage Unit in Capitola

    Lack of Home Storage Space

    When you move into your first house, apartment, or living space, you may not be bringing much with you. However, you will collect new belongings over time, and sometimes it gets to the point where you start running out of room for everything. If upgrading to a bigger home is not something you had in mind for the near-future, a self-storage facility may be the optimal solution. Your closets might be overflowing with so much of your stuff that you cannot hang up your jacket when you get home from work, or your garage may be occupied by everything but your car. If your home storage spaces are at full capacity , consider moving some of your belongings into a self-storage unit.

    Unused Items

    You may be wondering which items should stay in your home and which ones should be packed up and labeled so they can be brought down to the storage facility. It is a good idea to consider how often you use the items you come across; impractical belongings or those that you only use from time to time can probably be stored in your storage unit instead of taking up valuable space at home. Holiday decorations are particularly seasonal, so if it is not time to put up the tree or set out the menorah, consider keeping them in storage rather than back in the closet or the garage.

    Agonizing Clutter

    Maximizing your home storage space is one thing, but if your belongings are flooding your entire house and preventing you from finding a seat on the couch, look into a storage unit. This will alleviate the stress that often comes along with excess clutter.

  • Tips for Using the Right Packing Material

    The proper packing materials will help to keep your belongings from sustaining accidental damage when you choose to use a storage unit in Capitola or move to a new location. Use the wrong materials, however, and you may arrive at your self storage unit to find that your boxes have toppled over and crushed some of your belongings. Keep reading to make sure you are using the right packing materials.

    One of the most important elements of successful packing is the acquisition of sturdy storage boxes. Grocery store boxes may be free and easily accessible, but they will not necessarily provide the structural integrity you need. You will also need strong packing tape that will keep the boxes closed; this allows you to stack boxes on top of each other comfortably. Avoid scotch tape, masking tape, and duct tape in favor of packing tape because it is designed specifically for this purpose and is better equipped to keep your boxes sealed. It is also important to make sure that there is no empty space within your boxes. You can do this by filling in any vacancies with packing paper or bubble wrap.

    Material for right packaging by JD Mini Storage

  • How to Organize Your Belongings for Storage

    A self-storage facility in Capitola can be very helpful if you are going to be moving or if you simply need to clear up some space around your house. However, the way you store your belongings is directly related to the ease with which you will locate them again once they are in your storage unit rental. Keep reading if you would like a few tips on how to organize your belongings for storage. How to Organize Your Belongings for Storage in Capitola

    Acquire Supplies

    If you want your belongings to be safe and secure while they are stored in a self-storage facility, it is important to pack them appropriately. In order to do so, you must acquire the right kinds of supplies for your belongings. Look for a few sturdy moving boxes in varying sizes as well as packing materials like bubble wrap or packing paper to take up any unused space within them; this will prevent your belongings from moving around within the boxes and potentially becoming damaged. You will also likely need a substantial amount of packing tape in order to keep all of your boxes sealed shut. The right packing supplies can help you keep your belongings safe, organized, and easily accessible when you visit the storage facility.

    Pack by Room

    In addition to packing your belongings in sturdy boxes, it helps to pack similar items together. Take a walk through your house and identify which items in each room will be going to your storage unit. Pack all of your kitchen items in one box and then pack items from your living room in another; repeat this process for each room in the home. This will help you keep track of where you packed everything. If you are going through a box and looking for a certain item, coming across something similar lets you know you are looking in the right place.

    Label Your Boxes

    If you would rather not rummage through your boxes at the storage facility, label everything. Attach lists to each box that detail the contents so that you know which box you should look in before you even open it.

  • Making the Most of Your Self-Storage Unit

    If you are in need of some extra space around your home, you may want to consider renting a storage unit. At a self-storage facility, you will be able to pack and organize your belongings in a way that suits your personal preferences. Self-storage units offer fantastic convenience and accessibility, and a carefully planned storage unit rental will allow you to easily manage all of your extra items. A storage facility near Capitola can provide you with all of the moving and storage services you need to get organized. To help you prepare for your storage unit rental, here are some tips for making the most of your self-storage unit. Self Storage by JD Mini Storage

    Decide What You Will Store

    The first step of making the most of your self-storage unit is to plan what you will store in advance. Before you choose your storage unit, it is a great idea to decide which items will be packed into boxes and which items will be kept out of storage. As you are packing, be sure to note which boxes you will need to access more often.

    Select a Properly Sized Unit

    Selecting a properly sized unit is another important step for making the most of your storage experience. After you have decided on what you will store, you will have a better idea of what size storage unit will best suit your needs. By choosing a storage unit that offers a bit of room to spare, you will be able to easily maneuver in the space.

    Arrange Items With Care

    On moving day, it is highly important to arrange your items with care as you are placing them in the storage unit. You may want to start by moving your largest items into the unit first. Then, you can arrange smaller boxes and items around the larger pieces. With these helpful tips, you will be sure to get the most out of your self-storage experience.

  • Tips for Living With a Roommate

    Living with a roommate can be a rewarding and exciting experience. However, it is important to make sure that roommates get along in a shared apartment. Since you must share a living space, look into a storage unit in Capitola for the belongings you will not be bringing with you. Tips for Living with a Roommate in Capitola

    Avoid Living with Friends

    It may seem like a good idea to live with your best friends, but it turns out that this may not always work out so smoothly in the long run. It takes a special kind of friendship for people to spend a great deal of time together without getting sick of each other. It is typically a better idea to live with a friendly acquaintance with whom you have a variety of mutual interests. This can help to strengthen a relationship rather than strain it.

    Get to Know Your Roommates

    The best way to foster a positive relationship with your roommates is to get to know them on a personal level. Find out what they like, what they do not like, and learn about their beliefs and philosophies. In addition to their preferences, learn their work schedules; if one of your roommates works early in the morning, be respectful and keep it down at night. Knowing your roommates is the best way to make sure that you enjoy a conflict-free roommate relationship.

    Agree On Rules

    It is important for roommates to be on the same page when it comes to household rules. You may all agree that each person should do his or her own dishes as soon as they are used. You might also establish a “no shoes on in the apartment” rule. Since you may be living in limited space, each roommate may be entitled to a portion of the common room. If you do not have room for all of your belongings, consider using a self-storage unit at a local storage facility. Living with a roommate can be fun, as long as you respect each other’s needs. Make sure that you establish rules for the space, and try not to live with your best friends. If you need extra space, consider a self-storage unit.

  • How to Downsize Your Living Space

    Downsizing your living space can seem overwhelming, but with the proper preparation it can be easy. Use furniture that serves several purposes and do not part with useful or especially sentimental items for the sake of downsizing; instead, go to a storage facility near Capitola and rent a self-storage unit. Here is a closer look at how to downsize your living space. Tips on downsizing living space by JD Mini Storage

    Keep What You Need

    Just because you are moving to a smaller living space does not mean that you have to get rid of everything you own. Although your new place may have limited room, you can still hold on to useful belongings or items that have sentimental value. However, you should put careful thought into deciding what you will keep, because the space in your new home will be more valuable than the space in your current living space.

    Rent a Self-Storage Unit

    If you have a substantial amount of belongings that you would rather not part with but you do not have enough space in your new home for, consider renting a storage unit. You can keep the belongings that you do not routinely use in your storage space and then access them whenever you need them. Depending on your budget, this can allow you to hold on to all of the belongings that you want while still being able to live in a reasonably clutter-free living space. All of your children’s artwork and other sentimental belongings will be safely stored in your self-storage unit.

    Use Multi-Purpose Furniture

    In order to maximize space at your new home, use furniture that can serve more than one purpose at once. Use a couch or sofa that can pull out into a bed, and use your dining room table as a workspace. Using furniture that can double as other pieces of furniture is one prominent key in saving space when downsizing. Do not discard important items when you downsize and move to a smaller living space. Rent a storage unit from a self-storage facility to keep your excess belongings. Make sure to use as much multi-purpose furniture as possible in order to save space.

  • The Steps of Packing Boxes

    There are several steps to packing boxes for a move into a storage facility. When you are preparing for a move to a storage unit, you should be sure to find plenty of boxes. Before you fill the boxes with your belongings, you can reinforce the boxes using sturdy tape. As you are packing, make sure that all of your fragile items are protected with newspaper or bubble wrap. By packing carefully and efficiently, you will be prepared to move into a secure storage facility in Capitola. Whether you are preparing to place your items in a student storage unit or a long-term storage unit rental, it is essential to take your time when packing. For a closer look at the steps of packing boxes, watch this video from Howcast.

    How to Pack Boxes for a Move

  • An Essential Guide to Packing for College


    Whether you are a first-year freshman or a returning student, it is important to remain organized when you pack your belongings. Before you pack, you should research which items you will need to bring. By starting with the basics, you will have plenty of items when you reach your dorm room. When you are packing for college, you may want to consider renting a student storage unit at JD Mini Storage. We provide our clients with high-quality storage units, and our self-storage facility located in Capitola can help you get organized for your move to college. To learn more about how you can pack your belongings for student storage, watch this video from Howcast.

    How to Pack for College

  • Getting Organized for Your Upcoming Move

    When you are planning on transitioning some of your belongings into a storage unit, it is important to get organized before the day of your big move. By planning ahead and packing carefully, you will help ensure that your move to the self-storage facility is streamlined and stress-free. If you are looking for professional storage services located in Capitola, look no further than JD Mini Storage. Our self-storage units will provide you with plenty of space for your storage facility needs. If you are getting ready to move your belongings into a storage unit, here are some tips to help you get organized for your upcoming move.

    Getting Organized for Your Upcoming Move in Capitola

     Locate Plenty of Boxes

    When you are getting organized for a move into a storage facility, it is important to locate plenty of boxes. You may want to collect boxes of many shapes and sizes. By gathering as many boxes as you can find, you will ensure that you have plenty of storage space for all of your large and small items. After you are finished packing, you can easily recycle any boxes that you did not use.

      Label Carefully

    During the packing process, you should be sure to label all of your boxes carefully. On the exterior of each box, you may want to write out a detailed description of the interior contents. By keeping items from each room together, you will be able to find what you need when you visit your unit.

    Make a Checklist

    Prior to the day of your move, it is a great idea to make a moving checklist. This checklist could include a description of all of the items and boxes that you will be moving to the self-storage facility. By writing down all of your needs before you move, you will have greater peace of mind when it comes time to start moving your boxes and belongings.